Noah Williams

Hi, I’m Noah, a designer intrested by the nuances of typography and editorial design. I gravitate more towards longer projects that allow for in depth research experiences, shaping my design choices. My design isn't confined to a singular medium; instead, it flexibly adapts to align with each conceptual objective. Fascinated by the interplay of form and function within editorial design, I’m interested in exploring the tactile qualities of paper, printing and binding techniques, using them to inform design decisions and enrich the narrative of each project.


-> The Peaceful Atom
-> giffgaff re-think
-> Dyson O-Wind
-> Upcycled Jacket
-> Hoppie Brewery
-> Culture Thursday’s

The Peaceful Atom

In response to the ISTD 'Big Data' brief, I investigated the Chernobyl disaster and its vast data landscape. These statistics and personal accounts have contributed to a murky comprehension fuelled by myths and media propaganda. The publication pairs both anecdotes and infographics, highlighting these many contradictions. The project intentionally utilises abnormally long line lengths and tight margins, reflecting the soviets obsession with efficiency. Most importantly each page is designed to capture the look of a daunting, redacted soviet document, possibly full of state secrets.

Awarded Commendation by the International Study of Typographic Design (ISTD)

giffgaff re-think

A collaborative response to the 2024 D&AD giffgaff brief which aims to equate the brand with refurbished phones. giffgaff re-think is a PR campaign that encourages those interested in buying a refurbished phone to join the conversation. And find out why exactly opting for a refurbished phone is a no-brainer.

With Eathan Aktion and Meg Mardon

Dyson O-Wind 

A visual identity for O-Wind, a multi-directional wind turbine, designed to generate clean energy in urban centers. We centered the design around the iconic 'O', this versatile identity embodies both the shape of the turbine as well as the circular motion created. Our strategy includes showcasing the turbine's integration within urban environments, creating a diverse array of visual assets. These include an online portal and potential brand sponsorships.

With Eathan Aktion, Meg Mardon and Poppy Salt

Upcycled Jacket

The Upcycled Project is a sustainability-driven project centered on upcycling, in partnership with local coffee vendors. Through this collaboration, I transformed multiple coffee sacks into the jacket showcased here. The jacket embodies a rugged aesthetic, intentionally conveying its repurposed origin to the consumer. This effect is achieved through deliberate design elements, such as misaligned pockets and a subtly asymmetrical collar, which accentuate its unique, handcrafted character.

With Imogen Mitchell

Hoppie Brewery

A hypothetical London based brewery that specialises in craft beer for young adults. The brand is subtly political with each can featuring a three pannel comic that runs around the can. These comics each make a joke about the state of London from public transport to parliament.

Culture Thursday’s

Two different poster designs promoting upcoming talks at the university. These posters follow a simple system that give a subtle nod to each speakers practice.

With Eathan Aktion, Meg Mardon and Sam Pritchard